Carrier Code Lookup

There is a $0.005 charge to look up a mobile number's carrier code. View Appendix A for a list of all carrier codes.


HTTP Method - GET

Request Parameters

Param Description
mobile Number to look up carrier for.
shortcode Short code used.

Sample Request

Sample Response


Response Fields

The response data comes as a string.


Field Description
carrier_code Carrier code corresponding to the user's cellular carrier.

See appendix a for a list of carrier codes.

The first line of the response contains this string. You may ignore the lines that follow (they contain the html markup that would call this method from a browser).

Error Response

If there is an error, the response will be a string containing an error message.


Error Messages

Message Description
IP NOT REGISTERED IP address not registered.
ERROR CARRIER NOT FOUND FOR: {mobile} The carrier information for this number could not be found.