Managing Groups

The client can manage their groups through the Sumotext API. Groups can be managed with the following actions

Action Description
add Add a new group (named {group}) to a keyword
delete Delete a group and its members
clear Clear a group of its members
addmember Add a member (member corresponds to their {mobile})


Request Parameters

Params Description
country Country associated with shortcode
shortcode Short code being used
key Keyword being used
group Name of the group to manage
action Add, delete, clear, or adddmember
mobile Mobile number of subscriber to add to group [Optional: may be left blank]

Sample Request

Sample Response

Action Addmember OK

Response Fields

The response data comes as a string

Action {action} OK

Error Response

If there is an error, the response contains an error description message after a colon.

Action {action} Error: [Error Description]