Sending a Mobile Terminated (MT) Message

In order to use the SUMOTEXT API to send an MT, your server's IP Address must be registered in the SUMOTEXT API Database and tied to a specific account and dedicated short code. All clients can send messages from inside our online campaign management tools. However, if you have a dedicated short code, you are free to send messages from your own internal system via this API.

When you want to send an MT text message from your own system, SUMOTEXT will provide a dedicated HTTPS URL. Use HTTP GET with 5 query string parameters. Parameter names are case sensitive and all lower case.


Request Parameters

Param Description
mobile Number to send MT to.
carrier Carrier code for Mobile Number.
shortcode Short code used.
key Keyword, may be specific or default.
msg Message to be sent.

Sample Request

Sample Response


Response Fields

The response data comes as a string delimited by a ':' (colon).


Field Description
mobile Mobile number you sent MT to
smsid Unique ID for the SMS (used to lookup delivery report)

The first line of the response contains this string. You may ignore the lines that follow (they contain the html markup that would call this method from a browser).

Error Response

If there is an error, the second piece of data contains an error message instead:


Error Messages

Message Description
NOTIP IP address not registered.
NOTOPT Mobile number is in the system, but the subscriber is not opted into the Keyword.
NOTFOUND Mobile Number is either not in the sysem or not in the Keyword.